In my column last issue I discussed the various ways in which the femininity in a man could be expressed and referred to having been seen as Virginia by persons with whom I had done business as a man without their being aware
Now this phenomenon I have experienced many times. It involves 2 persons, the TV and the "outsider" and the attitudes and reactions of each are worth discussing. I will consider the TV this time and talk about the "out- sider next time, as there is considerable to say about each
Assuming that face, figure and voice are not imposs- ibly masculine, the feminine attire and accessories defin- itely place the person as being of the feminine gender in the eyes of other people unless he "gives it away" by some inconsistancy. The common inconsistancies of dress, walk, beard shadow, mannerisms etc. are too obvious to take time discussing, but there is one thing that is often not though about and which helps in the giveaway, and that is GUILT. Guilt and fear rob one of self assurance.
There are probably many girls and even women who lack self-assurance, but this is a facet of their character that is very unlikely to be evident to the men who meet her Women seldom give the impression of being lacking in self- assurance or of being unequal to the situation (even though they may feel very unsure of themselves inside). Now when a TV in public has such an awareness of his own masquerade that he feels guilty of being a man in female attire it will show as indecision, being ill at ease, and lacking in self assurance. This is so out of place in most situations in which a woman might find herself that it will immediately draw attention to the individual showing it.